Category: Blanket Donation

blanket donation camp aahwahan foundation

Blanket Donation camp with Zingbus

Aahwahan Foundation is bringing comfort and warmth to those in need with a Blanket Donation with Zingbus . Together, we can make a difference! Let’s wrap our community in warmth this winter. #AahwahanFoundation#BlanketDonationCamp#SpreadWarmth#zingabus#blanketdonation

NGO For donation

Donate for Humanity

When it comes to supporting humanitarian causes, one organization that stands out is the Aahwahan Foundation. This non-governmental organization (NGO) has been making a significant impact on the lives of those in need. By donating to the Aahwahan Foundation, you play a direct role in supporting humanity and making a positive difference in the world…. continue reading

Students of Shri Ram College of Commerce collaborate with Aahwahan Foundation in Blanket Donation Drive

Students of Shri Ram College of Commerce have joined hands with Aahwahan Foundation, striving together to bring about an impactful transformation in society. “The greatest good is what we do for one another” Adding social service with business acumen has borne wondrous results, for the recent Blanket Distribution Drive conducted by the Finance & Outreach… continue reading